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The U.S seems to lack behind in 5G’s Global Communication revolution

Leaving behind the 4G technology, the world is slowly adopting 5G speed. People need to understand that 5G is going make a global revolution in the communication world. Based on the reports published by Susan P. Crawford, a professor at Harvard Law School, the U.S may be left behind in this new global revolution.

The U.S seems to lack behind in 5G’s Global Communication revolution

The author of Captive Audience was surprised to witness the technology advances in Korea, which she describes as “the most wired nation on the planet”. The country has impeccable network coverage for cell phones, real-time data transmission access, driverless buses deploying the top-notch communication technology to avoid pedestrians and blockades.

What does Korea think about technological advances in the U.S?

In a recent interview, she responded she has never been self-conscious to be American before. But after knowing what Korean people tell about America was quite awful. As for them, going to America is like taking a break visiting a rural place.

Captive Audience and the new book

Harvard Law School professor has accumulated her concerns about communication and technology along with suggestions on how to alleviate them in her new publication. The book named “Fiber: The Coming Tech Revolution – and Why America Might Miss It.” released this week. It is a follow-up to her 2013 book “Captive Audience”, which is a non-fiction book about the telecom industry & monopoly power in the new golden era.
It also cautions America’s leadership approach in internet technology, which is frittering away by handing over the tech policy in the hands of profit-seeking firms with no inducement to keep the U.S. on the leading edge. The U.S majorly focuses on making capital than coping up with the technology.
However, this new book describes how the trend has intensified. Today, the issue is serious because the capacity of carrying data of the next generation of fiber optics, known as “5G” (as the fifth generation of wireless telecommunications technology). It will give a huge advantage to countries investing in advanced networks.
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